Join us at WEAR Conference to discover significant breakthroughs across the new textile technologies, smart fabrics & e-textiles.
Wed, Jun 8, 2022 | 5 pm
SmartTex: Health Monitoring for Long-term Aerospace Missions
Health monitoring is the way of the future for long-term missions in space, as well as telemedicine and fitness on Earth. A cross-functional team designed the SmartTex t-shirt for experiments on the International Space Station (ISS) to explore and enhance technology for continuous and wireless monitoring of astronauts. The t-shirt is made of materials that are designed specifically for ergonomic and comfortable usage in space. It has built-in and customizable sensors that will monitor and transmit various detailed metrics utilizing ballistocardiography (muscular contraction). SmartTex is part of the Wireless Compose-2 project, a collaboration between the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Hohenstein, DSI Aerospace, Bielefeld University and Hamburg University of Technology.