
Prevent greenwashing.

Use trusted, transparent and verifiable product certifications.

Consumers want products that protect the health of their families, the environment and workers. They want to do the right thing but cannot assess these factors on their own. They depend on brands and retailers to help.

Manufacturers, brands and retailers have brands to protect and need credible, transparent communication about their efforts. Buyers need a systematic way to integrate safety and sustainability into their supply chains and products.

The OEKO-TEX® product labels create trust and brand loyalty.

OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100, ORGANIC COTTON and LEATHER STANDARD certifications give purchasers, brands, retailers and consumers the confidence that products were tested for substances that could harm people to strict standards that meet or exceed global regulations.

OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN goes further to show that products have also been manufactured in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible way.

OEKO-TEX® Labels are powerful marketing tools.

Jeans with labeled with OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN

Output control is for all types of companies.

Prairie Wear, a small brand, uses OEKO-TEX® in their supply chain strategy, marketing and growth.
Ben Mead
Managing Director
Hohenstein Americas